Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Whale a minute

I haven't blogged in a long time. This is because I am a lazy blogger who, as I explained in my very first post, is simply not interested enough in my own thoughts to put them down regularly. Besides, as I found when I walked the Camino, I just don't have that many of them. There is something really special about forking out 50k to hike across a country for two months, alone with your thoughts, only to find that your thoughts are, in order of importance:

1. I am scared of cows.
2. Food.
3. Food.

However, I feel duty-bound to say that the next post, as in the one below this one, is not an accurate reflection of what you will usually find on this blog. It is sad, serious, and pained. And, as my friend Rebecca put it so beautifully, if you wanted the heavy stuff, you'd be on Perez Hilton, so if I were you I'd skip it unless I were in a really maudlin mood and instead go right down to the bits that are about whisky and moving boxes. It's a post I put up for myself, because I needed to, and not because I particularly think it will be any fun at all for anyone else to read. You have been warned.

So that's it from me until I find something witty to say again. I did read in the news today that a) three men were injured when a whale leaped out of the water and landed on their rubber ducky, and b) Lindsay Lohan and Jenna Jamieson are endorsing Romney in the US presidential race*; but both those stories kind of tell themselves, so I don't feel the need to add anything.

* Lol.

1 comment:

  1. hi praveen, thanks for these lists. would love to own commentluv enter to my diary. I’ve started posting since 2009 however it appears that my diary has fewer followers.. it’s rather unhappy however I don’t lose hope.. South Berkeley Orthodontics
