Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shag, Marry or Push Off a Cliff.

When I was a growing girl in the idyllic mountain village of Lower Woodstock, we used to play a wonderful game called Shag, Marry or Push off a Cliff. The object of the game is to drink a lot of whisky.

No, seriously. The object of the game is to completely flummox your opponent; that is, give them a combination of names that leaves them well and truly snookered, unable to make a worthy choice.

It works like this. You name three people, and your opponent has to choose who of the three they would kill, marry, or have a one-night stand with. If they cannot choose, or look unreasonably grossed out by all possible options, you win.

Relevance to this post: I find myself losing daily in a horrifying ongoing game of Shag Marry or Push X-treme - Reality Edition.


South African political landscape: 1.

Me: 0.

Winning question:

Choose who to represent your point of view in the struggle songs debate: Steve Hofmeyr, Gwede Mantashe or the FF+.

*game over*

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